Statement of Economic Interests Online
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Statement of Economic Interests

EIS Online Filing System

In accordance with the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act , almost 200 units of government and 6,000 public officials and employees must submit ethics filings to the Kane County Clerk's office. Units of Government provide a list of people who must file Statements of Economic Interests. These individuals, known as filers, now file their information online.

About Disclosure
State law requires Kane County elected officials, appointed officials, and certain
local and county government employees to file a Statement of Economic Interests
with the Clerk's office each year. More about disclosures of economic interests
Late fee: Individuals who file after the deadline must pay a $15 late fee.

Obtaining Statements
Beginning in 2013, Statements of Economic Interests are available to view online. If you do not see what you are looking for, call 630-232-5950.
File Your Statement Here
Government officials and employees required to file log in here for the Filer Module. FILE

Units of Government
Submit your Statement of
Economic Interests filer list. (Closed during filing)
Public Portal
View those who have submitted a Statement of Economic Interests and
how they answered the questions.
Dates To Remember
  • Unit entry deadline February 1, 2024.
  • 2024 filings will be late on May 2, 2024.

  • © Copyright 2024 Kane County Clerk's Office. All Rights Reserved.

    Need help? Check our Filer FAQs.
    For more help, contact the Kane County Clerk’s office at (630) 232-5950 or